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In conspectu angelorum
In the sight of angels
Psalm 137 (138)
The liturgical life of the Church is the very heartbeat of God, through which we unite our hearts to the source of love itself, in worship of Him who loved us first and with such perfection, and draw strength from the bounties of His grace to live no longer for ourselves but for Him, and so to stand among angels to be fed the Bread of Life and to drink from the overflowing Chalice of His mercy.
Our lives a single prayer, united through time and space with every prayer ever uttered in His name and by the oblation of Christ that makes us One Body in Him, let us listen, as we have never before, with the ears of the heart, to the heartbeat of His word in the celebration of the saints and the seasons and in our daily office of praise, which is our life's only work: to stand in the courts of the house of our God and bless the Lord all the days of our lives.
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